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No Place to Hide: A Conservative Critique of a Radical NSA ... Glenn Greenwald's new book, No Place to Hide, reproduces a secret National Security Agency document that sums up that agency's radical approach to surveillance: How May 21, 2011, Was Calculated to Be Judgment Day TIME.com A radical Christian group has determined that the beginning of the end of the world will occur this week. But is the math correct? Most of us roll our eyes ... The Radical.net Blog I sat at my desk with coffee in hand and the Psalms opened before me. It was early in the morning and I could hear the kids beginning to rattle around in the adjacent ... What Did Early Adventist Pioneers Think About Women in ... Recently, a leading Adventist pastor in California, spoke in opposition to women in pastoral ministry. Such a position is not new in Adventism, particularly in the ... Radical Grace Bible Studies - Worldnet Grace Ministries Series examining the New Testament concept of grace, God's act of creation, and selections from Ruth, Esther, Ezekiel, Daniel, and Matthew. OnFaith Stories about religion and spirituality Faith Communities Are on the Front Line of Refugee Aid. The Abrahamic faiths share a command to welcome and care for the 45 million refugees around the world. RADICAL Secret Church 14: The Cross and Everyday Life. From the moment we wake up in the morning to the moment we lie down to sleep at night, how does the death of Christ on ... William Blake and the Radical Swedenborgians In the late 1780s and early 1790s, when Blake sought out Swedenborg and other mystical and occult sources, he was also a radical in politics. Most noticeably, he ... A RADICAL APPROACH TO TRIALS - Flagstaff Christian Fellowship 1 April 17, 2005 James Lesson 1 A Radical Approach to Trials James 1:1-4 One of the popular TV shows when I grew up was Drag-net, starring Jack Webb as Joe ... Lecture 4: The Impact of Luther and the Radical Reformation Lecture 4: The Impact of Luther and the Radical Reformation: By the early 1520s, Luther had attracted a vast following while the printing presses spread his message ...